I was sitting on the living room floor chatting with a love one; while waiting for the annual summer boat ride.  I was so excited about attending this event. We was talking about life and future goals. This is one of my favorite conversations to have with people. I always believed one can accomplish anything they set their mind out to do. I am very goal oriented and I started over sharing. I stated how much money I was going to make in a particular time frame.  The person I told said, "you can't make that kind of money without a college degree"!. Oh boy! here we go again.. there's always someone trying to crushing my dreams. Never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.  People with  negative opinions may try to stop God plans.  But it won't work.

God always made a way for me to have prosperous jobs without a college degree.  That disturbed some of my closest friends and love ones.  God will bring you from the back to the front.  Don't listen to dream stealers! Stay focus and trust God. I remember when God gave me two promotions within 60 days of starting a new job.   He can do the same for you.  Yes He can!

Say this...
"I BREAK every negative word spoken over my finances"

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Joshua 1:8

The Strong and Powerful Corinne

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